Marie Kondo Is Launching the Cutest Home Hack to Help You Digitally Declutter

It doubles as decor, of course.

marie kondo reading, phone box on table


Digital clutter is as real and distracting as a chaotic countertop or a disorganized closet. But unlike most types of jumbled messes, it’s nearly impossible to leave your digital disarray behind for even a few hours since our phones are always by our sides, pinging, dinging, and ringing all the time. In fact, we're willing to bet you’re reading this on your phone right now.

There are many methods for managing cellphone overload, including apps, “no phones during mealtime” rules, and literally hiding your phone to put it out of your mind (that never really works, does it?). A majority of people—57% of Americans—consider themselves “mobile phone addicts,” and 58% of smartphone users have admitted to trying to limit their device usage.

Leave it to Marie Kondo, the ultimate decluttering expert, to find a way to disconnect from your phone that’s not only effective but can be integrated into your home as a self-soothing unplugging ritual for uninterrupted quiet time. Kondo has partnered with Stolp to design and develop an innovative phone box to digitally decompress—and its aesthetically pleasing enough to be considered decor.

phone box on glass coffee table


“I am very delighted to partner with Stolp as we both advocate the same core values," Kondo said in a statement. "In essence, encouraging us to imagine the type of life we want to live and how tidying and decluttering our environment can inspire better lifestyle choices. This relates to decluttering our environment and minds of digital devices too.”

The Stolp phone box is equipped with a Faraday cage that disconnects devices from Wi-Fi service completely. Once placed inside the sleek, tabletop-friendly container, your phone is not only out of sight but also out of signal range.

With the space to fit four to five devices, entire families can use the box when it’s time to take the focus off of screens and onto faces around the dinner table, on books and papers during homework time, or simply to enjoy a movie or TV show uninterrupted. It comes in a light tan color and deep brown with a design that can blend in with any home style.

You can shop the Stolp by Marie Kondo phone boxes ($89) exclusively on Stolp's website. They begin shipping on May 20.

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