You Should Be Replacing These Household Items Way More Often Than You Are

Enhance your daily life with these regular refreshes for a healthier and cleaner home.

Cleaning the air conditioner filter

Getty Images/Songsak rohprasit

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the regular maintenance our household items deserve. From kitchen essentials to everyday necessities, there are key items we should be swapping out more frequently than we might realize. Whether these items get dirty, full of bacteria, or lose their functionality, it's vital to keep up with a replacement schedule to keep you and your family safe and your household clean.

Concrete Kitchen Countertops kitchen sink
Brie Williams

Dish Rags

Dish rags are kitchen essentials, but they often go unnoticed in terms of cleanliness and replacement. In their everyday use, they wipe up all kinds of bacteria, especially if used to clean surfaces that come into contact with raw meat or eggs. To maintain a hygienic kitchen, it's advisable to switch out dish rags regularly. Ideally, consider replacing them every few days, especially if they are used consistently.

Besides regularly cleaning your dish rags in the washing machine, disinfect them periodically by soaking them in a bleach and water mixture or in another liquid disinfectant. Follow the product's instructions for the appropriate dilution and duration of the soak.

Water Filters

The general recommendation for replacing standard refrigerator water filters is every six months, while for a water pitcher filter, it's advised to swap the filter every two months. If you notice a decline in water flow or a change in taste, consider replacing the filter sooner. Whole-house water filters typically last anywhere from six months to several years, contingent on filter capacity and water quality. Check the packaging and manual for each filter to find the specific replacement recommendation.

toothbrushes in bathroom drawer

Marty Baldwin


The American Dental Association recommends replacing toothbrushes every three to four months, or more often if the bristles become matted or frayed. Toothbrushes lose some of their effectiveness if they are used beyond the recommended replacement time. Between swaps, allow the toothbrush to air-dry after each use rather than storing it in a closed, moist space to avoid bacterial buildup.

spice drawer

Edmund Barr


We're all guilty of keeping spices for longer than we should. According to Spices Inc., spices do not spoil but over time they can lose their strength and potency. They recommend swapping out whole spices and dried herbs every one to two years and ground spices every year.

Shower Curtain Liners

The plastic or vinyl liner protecting your shower curtain constantly gets wet and sits in moisture each time you bathe. Due to this damp environment, signs of mold, mildew, and soap scum will likely start to appear. Replace your liner at least once a year, or earlier if you start to see any signs of mildew.

Cleaning the air conditioner filter

Getty Images/Songsak rohprasit

Air Filters

An air filter is vital in making sure the quality of the air in your home is safe for you and your family. Air filters reduce the dust, dander, and pollutants in your home, so regularly replacing them is important. Josh Mitchell, HVAC technician and owner of Air Conditioner Lab, says it's recommended to replace your air filters every 90 days for an average single-family home. For those with allergies or pets, it's recommended to replace them approximately every 60 days.

Kitchen Sponges

Kitchen sponges might be the top item kept well past their recommended replacement time. Due to all of the duties that sponges perform in our kitchens and the amount of time they spend in moisture, bacteria is easily accumulated. To avoid risks from bacteria in sponges, it's recommended to replace or clean them every one to two weeks.

Juno & Co. blue Microfiber Makeup Sponge

Marty Baldwin

Makeup Sponges

Makeup sponges easily soak up bacteria from your face, moisture from water used on the sponge, and any makeup applied with it. To keep your skin protected and acne-free, aim to replace makeup sponges about every three months. To keep it clean in the meantime, wet the sponge and massage liquid makeup cleanser into it, then rinse and air-dry.

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